NZ Wild Ike Jime Fish
From Leigh Fish in New Zealand, these line-caught dayboat catches are brought aboard live and harvested by the crucial Japanese method of ‘ike jime’. The combination of these efforts results in some of the world’s most highly-prized fish.

Species of NZ Wild Ike Jime Fish

A foundational item for Lee Fish USA and New Zealand’s most iconic species.
Pagrus auratus
- Leigh, NZ
Longline, Ike Jime

Closeley related to snapper and highly prized for its superb eating qualities. Particularly revered in Japan as a sushi fish.
Centroberyx affinis
- Leigh, NZ
Longline, Ike Jime
Sporadic year-round

When caught and handled properly, as this NZ catch is, trevally considered sashimi fish and served as shimaaji.
Pseudocaranx dentex
- Leigh, NZ
Longline, Ike Jime

Revered as excellent eating fish, it is considered by Japanese sushi masters as among the best fish in the world for sashimi.
Seriola lalandi
- Leigh, NZ
Longline, Ike Jime

A New Zealand hallmark of sustainability and unmatched quality, characterized by clear eyes, bright and shiny scales, and clean flesh. Graded by quality and size, the day’s selection focuses on color, variety, and prized bycatch not generally available in volume.
- Leigh, NZ
Longline, Ike Jime
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