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Our Fish

As connoisseurs of the deep blue, we take immense pride in offering you an extensive collection of super premium seafood species sourced from around the globe. With an unparalleled range that encompasses the richness of the sea, we are continually innovating our sourcing methodology to bring new and exciting species to market, while also continuing to grow the reach of well-vetted suppliers who share our quality and sustainability values. Simply click on any of the species listed to learn more about each of our meticulously sourced products.

Wild Iki Jime

Lee Fish USA has at its core a focus on promoting the art of iki jime as a means of elevating the quality and freshness of the wild species that it sells.

Iki Jime involves landing fish live and brain spiking to prolong the onset of rigor mortis and extend the shelf-life of the fish.  This method is the one true way to distinguish a fish as ‘sashimi-grade’, and the high level of care in handling lends itself to artisanal as opposed to mass producers. 

With ongoing deployment of iki jime fishing methods in Australia, North America, Mexico and Europe, keep an eye out for updates.  Current highlights are: 

New Zealand:

  • Sea Bream
  • Golden Alfonsino
  • Trevally
  • Alfonsino
  • Scorpion
  • Yellowtail/Kingfish

Scientific Name: Pagrus auratus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Centroberyx affinis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (Targeted sporadically)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Pseudocaranx dentex

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Beryx splendens and Beryx dedactylus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Scorpaena cardinailis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries


  • Barred Knifejaw (Ishidai)
  • Golden Threadfin-Bream (Itoyori)
  • Dotted Gizard Shad (Kohada/Shinko)
  • Alfonsino (Kinmedai)
  • Chub Mackerel (Ma Saba)

Scientific Name: Oplegnathus fasciatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Nemipterus virgatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Konosirus punctatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round with size variation subject to season

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Beryx spiendens

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scomber japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Japanese Imports

Lee Fish USA has an innovative, high-touch, and competitively-priced program for fresh fish imports from Japan.  With multiple inbounds each week direct into major airports throughout North America we allow distributors throughout North America the opportunity to service sushi restaurants with a broad range of farmed & wild fish and shellfish products.

Below are some of the current highlights:

Akami (red-fish):

  • Bluefin Tuna (Toro)
  • Bonito Tuna (Katsuo)

Scientific Name: Thunnus orientalis

Formats available: Fresh Loins, Fresh Saku, Fresh Gilled and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Katsuwonus pelamis

Formats available: Fresh Loins, Fresh Gilled and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Shiromi (white-fish):

  • Buri (Hamachi)
  • Japanese Sea Bream (Madai)
  • Trevally (Shimaaji)
  • Amberjack (Kanpachi)
  • Alfonsino (Kinmedai)

Scientific Name: Seriola quinqueradiata

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh IVP J-Cut Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pagrus major

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pseudocaranx dentex

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Seriola dumerili

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Beryx splendens

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Hikarimono (silver-skinned fish):

  • Jack Mackerel (Aji)
  • Chub Mackerel (Saba)
  • Japanese Halfbeak (Sayori)
  • Pacific Saury (Sanma)
  • Dotted Gizzard Shad (Kohada/Shinko)

Scientific Name: Trachurus japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scomber japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: March through October

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Sardinops melanostictus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Best from August to November

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Hyporhamphus sajori

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: August to November

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Cololabis saira

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: October through May

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Konosirus punctatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round, Best During Winter Months

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Nimono (stewed fish):

  • Conger Eel (Anago)
  • Japanese Eel (Unagi)

Scientific Name: Astroconger myriaster

Formats available: Whole - Ikejime or Butterflied

Availability: Year Round (peaks May through August)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Anguilla japonica

Formats available: Whole - Ikejime or Butterflied

Availability: Year Round (peaks May through August)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Kai (shellfish):

  • Sea Urchin (Uni)
  • Japanese Scallop (Hotate)

Scientific Name: Loxechinus albus

Formats available: Roe in Trays

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Patinopecten yessoensis

Formats available: Shucked Meat in 500g Trays

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Ika (squid):

  • Bigfin Reef Squid (Aori Ika)
  • Firefly Squid (Hotaru Ika)

Scientific Name: Sepioteuthis lessoniana

Formats available: Whole

Availability: May through October

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Watasenia scintillans

Formats available: Boiled Whole

Availability: March and April

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Kani (Crab):

  • Kegani Crab (Ke Gani)

Scientific Name: Erimacrus isenbeckii

Formats available: Whole Live/Fresh

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Premium Salmon

At Lee Fish USA, we take pride in offering an elevated Salmon program to differentiate distributors from the commodity Atlantic Salmon that makes up the vast majority of the industry supply chain. Our hero product is the Ora King Salmon, known for its rich, distinct taste and beautiful marbling. Explore the exquisite Petuna Trout, with its delicate flesh and subtle flavor, or savor the unique flavors of Matorka Arctic Char, a sustainable choice with its mild taste and tender texture.


  • King Salmon
  • Trout
  • Arctic Char
  • Atlantic Salmon

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Fillet, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portion, Frozen Smoked

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Ora King, Regal King

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss

Formats available: Fresh Head On and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Petuna

Scientific Name: Salvelinus alpinus

Formats available: Fresh Head-on and Gutted, Fresh Fillet, Fresh Portion, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portion

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Iceland

Suppliers & Brands: Matorka

Scientific Name: Salmo Salar

Formats available: Fresh Head-on and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tasmania, Scotland, Norway, Canada

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Tuna & Pelagics

Lee Fish USA lends its expertise in innovative sourcing, high-touch operational efficiency, and best-in-class fresh logistics to one of the most varied and consistently high-quality fresh pelagic programs in North America. Availability peaks across all species between the months of April and September but as our list of vetted suppliers grows we are a trusted source on a vast range of species year-round.


  • Big Eye Tuna
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Southern Bluefin Tuna
  • Pacific Bluefin Tuna
  • Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
  • Albacore
  • Swordfish
  • Opah
  • Wahoo
  • Mahi Mahi

Scientific Name: Thunnus obesus

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus maccoyii

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: March-September

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus Orientalis

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Mexico, Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus thynnus

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: USA, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tahiti, Fiji, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Xiphias gladius

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Australia, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Lampris guttatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Top Rack, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Acanthocybium solandri

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tahiti, Fiji

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Coryphaena hippurus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: August-March

Countries of Origin: Japan, Tahiti, Ecuador, Costa Rica

Suppliers & Brands: Various


We offer an impressive selection of live, fresh and frozen premium shellfish.  Live Cockles and Mussels are robust enough from cold waters for menu placement year-round, while Coromandel Oysters, Uni and Scallops are brought in seasonally as a best-in-class product due to their counter-seasonality.  Our head-on prawn program is the most diverse in North America with year-round supply, accompanied by premium lobster offerings that differ from the standard products in market.


  • New Zealand Cockle
  • Pacific Oyster
  • Greenshell Mussel

Scientific Name: Austrovenus stutchburyi

Formats available: Live Bulk Packed, Live MAP Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Southern Clams

Scientific Name: Crassostrea gigas

Formats available: Live Tray Packed

Availability: April-October

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Sea Products

Scientific Name: Perna canaliculus

Formats available: Live Bulk Packed, Live MAP Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various


  • Tasmanian Long-Spine Urchin
  • Tasmanian Short-Spine Urchin
  • Bafun Uni
  • Murasaki Uni
  • Japanese Scallop (Hotate)

Scientific Name: Centrostephanus Rodgersii

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray, Frozen Roe (Uni Vanna), Premium Frozen (Coming Soon)

Availability: March-August

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: True South

Scientific Name: Heliocidaris Erythrogramma

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray, Frozen Roe (Uni Vanna), Premium Frozen (Coming Soon)

Availability: September-December

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: True South

Scientific Name: Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Anthocidaris crassispina

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Mizuhopecten yessoensis

Formats available: Fresh Shucked Meat (500g Tray)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various


  • Tiger Prawn
  • King Prawn
  • Banana Prawn
  • Endeavour Prawn
  • Carabinero Prawn
  • Southern Rock Lobster
  • Western Rock Lobster

Scientific Name: Penaeus Monodon

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Skull Island, Various

Scientific Name: Milicertus Plebejus

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Fenneropenaeus merguiensis

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Metapenaeus Endeavouri

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Aristaeopsis Edwardsiana

Formats available: Frozen Head-on

Availability: Subject to special availability

Countries of Origin: Spainv

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Jasus Edwardsii

Formats available: Frozen Whole, Frozen Splits, Frozen Tails

Availability: Year-round

Countries of Origin: AustraliaAustralia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Panulirus cygnus

Formats available: Frozen Whole, Frozen Splits, Frozen Tails

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various


Our Octopus program has the best Octopus product in the world on center stage – Fremantle Octopus Tentacles.  With unmatched, consistent quality and a competitive price point we are committed to making sure that the best restaurants and retailers in North America are using this product as their one and only choice.

  • Western Australian Rock Octopus
  • European Octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus spp.

Formats available: Frozen Raw Tentacle, Frozen Sous-Vide Cooked Tentacle

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Fremantle Octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris

Formats available: Frozen Raw Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Portugal

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Premium Whitefish Image

Premium Whitefish

Experience the culinary wonders of our premium white fish imports at Lee Fish USA. From delicate Turbot and Sole to versatile Bass varieties and exquisite Bream options, our carefully sourced selections from wild fisheries and farms are curated to offer versatility in application and price point, while allowing year-round supply through easy substitutions.


  • Turbot - Wild
  • Turbot - Farmed
  • Sole - Wild
  • Sole - Farmed
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • John Dory

Scientific Name: Scophthalmus maximus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Whole Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Netherlands, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scophthalmus maximus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Whole Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Prodemar

Scientific Name: Solea solea

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Netherlands, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Solea senegalensis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Portugal

Suppliers & Brands: Prodemar

Scientific Name: Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Norway

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Zeus faber

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries


  • Coral Trout
  • Barramundi
  • European Sea Bass
  • Bluenose
  • New Zealand Sea Bass
  • Chilean Seabass or Antarctic Toothfish

Scientific Name: Plectropomus leopardus

Formats available: Whole

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Blue Reef

Scientific Name: Lates Calcarifer

Formats available: Fresh Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portions

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Malaysia

Suppliers & Brands: GST

Scientific Name: Dicentrarchus labrax

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Gutted, Fresh Butterfly and Value-add Specs

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Greece, Turkey, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Hyperoglyphe antarctica

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round (sporadic targetting)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Polyprion oxygeneios and Polyprion americanus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round (sporadic targetting)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Dissostichus eleginoides

Formats available: Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portions

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Glacier 51


  • European Sea Bream
  • New Zealand Sea Bream
  • Madai/Japanese Sea bream

Scientific Name: Sparus Aurata

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Gutted, Fresh Butterfly and Value-add Specs

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Greece, Turkey, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pagrus Auratus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Pagrus Major

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various


Lee Fish USA’s focus on vertically integrated, traceable producers is highlighted most with our Caviar program.  The recent trend in the industry has been highly marketed product with limited focus on the farm or even country of origin.  By contrast every tin of Calvisius Caviar can be traced to the sturgeon it was produced by on their farm in Italy, and the same could be said for the salmon and trout roe produced by Yarra Valley Caviar in Australia.

Sturgeon Caviar:

  • Siberian Sturgeon
  • White Sturgeon
  • Oscietra
  • Sevruga
  • Beluga Hybrid

Scientific Name: Acipenser baerii

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser transmontanus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser gueldenstaedtii

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser stellatus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser huso huso, Acipenser transmontanus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius


  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Scampi
  • King Salmon

Scientific Name: Salmo Salar

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Metanephrops challengeri

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g), Frozen Bottarga

Availability: Very Rare, subject to stringent grading

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Limited Run (sporadically available at certain times of the year)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Ora King

Yellowtail Image


Yellowtail is a growing category in the North American foodservice space – served as sashimi, crudo or in cooked dishes – most menus have a place for a Yellowtail dish.  Lee Fish USA has a diverse program including imports from Australia, Japan and New Zealand – underpinned by the Spencer Gulf Kingfish – a product of consistent, superb quality year-round.


  • Yellowtail (Hiramasa) Farmed New Zealand
  • Yellowtail (Hiramasa) - Wild New Zealand
  • Amberjack (Hamachi) - Farmed Japan
  • Amberjack (Kanpachi) - Farmed Japan

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Haku

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Seriola quinqueradiata

Formats available: Fresh IVP Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Seriola dumerili

Formats available: Fresh IVP Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Wild Iki Jime

Lee Fish USA has at its core a focus on promoting the art of iki jime as a means of elevating the quality and freshness of the wild species that it sells.

Iki Jime involves landing fish live and brain spiking to prolong the onset of rigor mortis and extend the shelf-life of the fish.  This method is the one true way to distinguish a fish as ‘sashimi-grade’, and the high level of care in handling lends itself to artisanal as opposed to mass producers. 

With ongoing deployment of iki jime fishing methods in Australia, North America, Mexico and Europe, keep an eye out for updates.  Current highlights are: 

New Zealand:

  • Sea Bream
  • Golden Alfonsino
  • Trevally
  • Alfonsino
  • Scorpion
  • Yellowtail/Kingfish

Scientific Name: Pagrus auratus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Centroberyx affinis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (Targeted sporadically)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Pseudocaranx dentex

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Beryx splendens and Beryx dedactylus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Scorpaena cardinailis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries


  • Barred Knifejaw (Ishidai)
  • Golden Threadfin-Bream (Itoyori)
  • Dotted Gizard Shad (Kohada/Shinko)
  • Alfonsino (Kinmedai)
  • Chub Mackerel (Ma Saba)

Scientific Name: Oplegnathus fasciatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Nemipterus virgatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Konosirus punctatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round with size variation subject to season

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Beryx spiendens

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scomber japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Japanese Imports

Lee Fish USA has an innovative, high-touch, and competitively-priced program for fresh fish imports from Japan.  With multiple inbounds each week direct into major airports throughout North America we allow distributors throughout North America the opportunity to service sushi restaurants with a broad range of farmed & wild fish and shellfish products.

Below are some of the current highlights:

Akami (red-fish):

  • Bluefin Tuna (Toro)
  • Bonito Tuna (Katsuo)

Scientific Name: Thunnus orientalis

Formats available: Fresh Loins, Fresh Saku, Fresh Gilled and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Katsuwonus pelamis

Formats available: Fresh Loins, Fresh Gilled and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Shiromi (white-fish):

  • Buri (Hamachi)
  • Japanese Sea Bream (Madai)
  • Trevally (Shimaaji)
  • Amberjack (Kanpachi)
  • Alfonsino (Kinmedai)

Scientific Name: Seriola quinqueradiata

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh IVP J-Cut Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pagrus major

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pseudocaranx dentex

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Seriola dumerili

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Beryx splendens

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Hikarimono (silver-skinned fish):

  • Jack Mackerel (Aji)
  • Chub Mackerel (Saba)
  • Japanese Halfbeak (Sayori)
  • Pacific Saury (Sanma)
  • Dotted Gizzard Shad (Kohada/Shinko)

Scientific Name: Trachurus japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scomber japonicus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: March through October

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Sardinops melanostictus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Best from August to November

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Hyporhamphus sajori

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: August to November

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Cololabis saira

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: October through May

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Konosirus punctatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round, Best During Winter Months

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Nimono (stewed fish):

  • Conger Eel (Anago)
  • Japanese Eel (Unagi)

Scientific Name: Astroconger myriaster

Formats available: Whole - Ikejime or Butterflied

Availability: Year Round (peaks May through August)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Anguilla japonica

Formats available: Whole - Ikejime or Butterflied

Availability: Year Round (peaks May through August)

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Kai (shellfish):

  • Sea Urchin (Uni)
  • Japanese Scallop (Hotate)

Scientific Name: Loxechinus albus

Formats available: Roe in Trays

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Patinopecten yessoensis

Formats available: Shucked Meat in 500g Trays

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Ika (squid):

  • Bigfin Reef Squid (Aori Ika)
  • Firefly Squid (Hotaru Ika)

Scientific Name: Sepioteuthis lessoniana

Formats available: Whole

Availability: May through October

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Watasenia scintillans

Formats available: Boiled Whole

Availability: March and April

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Kani (Crab):

  • Kegani Crab (Ke Gani)

Scientific Name: Erimacrus isenbeckii

Formats available: Whole Live/Fresh

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Premium Salmon

At Lee Fish USA, we take pride in offering an elevated Salmon program to differentiate distributors from the commodity Atlantic Salmon that makes up the vast majority of the industry supply chain. Our hero product is the Ora King Salmon, known for its rich, distinct taste and beautiful marbling. Explore the exquisite Petuna Trout, with its delicate flesh and subtle flavor, or savor the unique flavors of Matorka Arctic Char, a sustainable choice with its mild taste and tender texture.


  • King Salmon
  • Trout
  • Arctic Char
  • Atlantic Salmon

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Fillet, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portion, Frozen Smoked

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Ora King, Regal King

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss

Formats available: Fresh Head On and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Petuna

Scientific Name: Salvelinus alpinus

Formats available: Fresh Head-on and Gutted, Fresh Fillet, Fresh Portion, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portion

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Iceland

Suppliers & Brands: Matorka

Scientific Name: Salmo Salar

Formats available: Fresh Head-on and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tasmania, Scotland, Norway, Canada

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Tuna & Pelagics

Lee Fish USA lends its expertise in innovative sourcing, high-touch operational efficiency, and best-in-class fresh logistics to one of the most varied and consistently high-quality fresh pelagic programs in North America. Availability peaks across all species between the months of April and September but as our list of vetted suppliers grows we are a trusted source on a vast range of species year-round.


  • Big Eye Tuna
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Southern Bluefin Tuna
  • Pacific Bluefin Tuna
  • Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
  • Albacore
  • Swordfish
  • Opah
  • Wahoo
  • Mahi Mahi

Scientific Name: Thunnus obesus

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus maccoyii

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: March-September

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus Orientalis

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Mexico, Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus thynnus

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: USA, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Thunnus albacares

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tahiti, Fiji, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Xiphias gladius

Formats available: Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Fresh Headed & Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Australia, South Africa

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Lampris guttatus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Top Rack, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year-round (peaks March-October)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Acanthocybium solandri

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Tahiti, Fiji

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Coryphaena hippurus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: August-March

Countries of Origin: Japan, Tahiti, Ecuador, Costa Rica

Suppliers & Brands: Various


We offer an impressive selection of live, fresh and frozen premium shellfish.  Live Cockles and Mussels are robust enough from cold waters for menu placement year-round, while Coromandel Oysters, Uni and Scallops are brought in seasonally as a best-in-class product due to their counter-seasonality.  Our head-on prawn program is the most diverse in North America with year-round supply, accompanied by premium lobster offerings that differ from the standard products in market.


  • New Zealand Cockle
  • Pacific Oyster
  • Greenshell Mussel

Scientific Name: Austrovenus stutchburyi

Formats available: Live Bulk Packed, Live MAP Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Southern Clams

Scientific Name: Crassostrea gigas

Formats available: Live Tray Packed

Availability: April-October

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Sea Products

Scientific Name: Perna canaliculus

Formats available: Live Bulk Packed, Live MAP Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various


  • Tasmanian Long-Spine Urchin
  • Tasmanian Short-Spine Urchin
  • Bafun Uni
  • Murasaki Uni
  • Japanese Scallop (Hotate)

Scientific Name: Centrostephanus Rodgersii

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray, Frozen Roe (Uni Vanna), Premium Frozen (Coming Soon)

Availability: March-August

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: True South

Scientific Name: Heliocidaris Erythrogramma

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray, Frozen Roe (Uni Vanna), Premium Frozen (Coming Soon)

Availability: September-December

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: True South

Scientific Name: Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Anthocidaris crassispina

Formats available: Fresh Roe Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Mizuhopecten yessoensis

Formats available: Fresh Shucked Meat (500g Tray)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various


  • Tiger Prawn
  • King Prawn
  • Banana Prawn
  • Endeavour Prawn
  • Carabinero Prawn
  • Southern Rock Lobster
  • Western Rock Lobster

Scientific Name: Penaeus Monodon

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Skull Island, Various

Scientific Name: Milicertus Plebejus

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Fenneropenaeus merguiensis

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Metapenaeus Endeavouri

Formats available: Frozen Head-on, Frozen Cutlet Tray

Availability: Year-round (peaks December-July)

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Aristaeopsis Edwardsiana

Formats available: Frozen Head-on

Availability: Subject to special availability

Countries of Origin: Spainv

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Jasus Edwardsii

Formats available: Frozen Whole, Frozen Splits, Frozen Tails

Availability: Year-round

Countries of Origin: AustraliaAustralia

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Panulirus cygnus

Formats available: Frozen Whole, Frozen Splits, Frozen Tails

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Various


Our Octopus program has the best Octopus product in the world on center stage – Fremantle Octopus Tentacles.  With unmatched, consistent quality and a competitive price point we are committed to making sure that the best restaurants and retailers in North America are using this product as their one and only choice.

  • Western Australian Rock Octopus
  • European Octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus spp.

Formats available: Frozen Raw Tentacle, Frozen Sous-Vide Cooked Tentacle

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Fremantle Octopus

Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris

Formats available: Frozen Raw Tray

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Portugal

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Premium Whitefish

Experience the culinary wonders of our premium white fish imports at Lee Fish USA. From delicate Turbot and Sole to versatile Bass varieties and exquisite Bream options, our carefully sourced selections from wild fisheries and farms are curated to offer versatility in application and price point, while allowing year-round supply through easy substitutions.


  • Turbot - Wild
  • Turbot - Farmed
  • Sole - Wild
  • Sole - Farmed
  • Atlantic Halibut
  • John Dory

Scientific Name: Scophthalmus maximus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Whole Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Netherlands, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Scophthalmus maximus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Whole Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Prodemar

Scientific Name: Solea solea

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Netherlands, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Solea senegalensis

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Portugal

Suppliers & Brands: Prodemar

Scientific Name: Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Fillet

Availability: September through March

Countries of Origin: Norway

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Zeus faber

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round (regular bycatch)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries


  • Murray Cod
  • Barramundi
  • European Sea Bass
  • Bluenose
  • New Zealand Sea Bass
  • Chilean Seabass or Antarctic Toothfish

Scientific Name: Maccullochella peelii

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet, Frozen Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Aquna

Scientific Name: Lates Calcarifer

Formats available: Fresh Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portions

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Malaysia

Suppliers & Brands: GST

Scientific Name: Dicentrarchus labrax

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Gutted, Fresh Butterfly and Value-add Specs

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Greece, Turkey, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Hyperoglyphe antarctica

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round (sporadic targetting)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Polyprion oxygeneios and Polyprion americanus

Formats available: Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round (sporadic targetting)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Dissostichus eleginoides

Formats available: Frozen Fillet, Frozen Portions

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Glacier 51


  • European Sea Bream
  • New Zealand Sea Bream
  • Madai/Japanese Sea bream

Scientific Name: Sparus Aurata

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Gutted, Fresh Butterfly and Value-add Specs

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Greece, Turkey, Spain

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Pagrus Auratus

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Fillet

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Pagrus Major

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various


Lee Fish USA’s focus on vertically integrated, traceable producers is highlighted most with our Caviar program.  The recent trend in the industry has been highly marketed product with limited focus on the farm or even country of origin.  By contrast every tin of Calvisius Caviar can be traced to the sturgeon it was produced by on their farm in Italy, and the same could be said for the salmon and trout roe produced by Yarra Valley Caviar in Australia.

Sturgeon Caviar:

  • Siberian Sturgeon
  • White Sturgeon
  • Oscietra
  • Sevruga
  • Beluga Hybrid

Scientific Name: Acipenser baerii

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser transmontanus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser gueldenstaedtii

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser stellatus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius

Scientific Name: Acipenser huso huso, Acipenser transmontanus

Formats available: Fresh Malossol Caviar (10g through 1kg Tins)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Italy

Suppliers & Brands: Calvisius


  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Scampi
  • King Salmon

Scientific Name: Salmo Salar

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Metanephrops challengeri

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g), Frozen Bottarga

Availability: Very Rare, subject to stringent grading

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Yarra Valley Caviar

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Formats available: Frozen Roe (25g Tin through 250g Jar)

Availability: Limited Run (sporadically available at certain times of the year)

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Ora King


Yellowtail is a growing category in the North American foodservice space – served as sashimi, crudo or in cooked dishes – most menus have a place for a Yellowtail dish.  Lee Fish USA has a diverse program including imports from Australia, Japan and New Zealand – underpinned by the Spencer Gulf Kingfish – a product of consistent, superb quality year-round.


  • Yellowtail (Hiramasa) - Farmed Australia
  • Yellowtail (Hiramasa) - Wild New Zealand
  • Amberjack (Hamachi) - Farmed Japan
  • Amberjack (Kanpachi) - Farmed Japan

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole, Fresh Headed and Gutted, Fresh Gilled and Gutted, Frozen Fillet, Frozen Loins

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Australia

Suppliers & Brands: Spencer Gulf Kingfish

Scientific Name: Seriola lalandi

Formats available: Fresh Whole Round

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: New Zealand

Suppliers & Brands: Lee Fisheries

Scientific Name: Seriola quinqueradiata

Formats available: Fresh IVP Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various

Scientific Name: Seriola dumerili

Formats available: Fresh IVP Fillet, Fresh Whole Round, Fresh Headed and Gutted

Availability: Year Round

Countries of Origin: Japan

Suppliers & Brands: Various